Friday, October 1, 2010

Update on our summer

Uggh, why can't I be better about updating this blog??

Since the last post, I have started a new school year at a new school. That makes 4 moves in 5 years (Grrr, not happy about that). I am enjoying my new school and my new team of 8 Kindergarten teachers. They are very helpful and good about planning together. :) My grade chair ordered several thousand dollars of Lakeshore (great stuff for teaching) games and stuff during the summer knowing my room would be empty. It came in before school started and I was so excited opening all those boxes. :) It is nice to have stuff to teach with, especially Kindergarten you have to keep them busy.

The other BIG accomplishment of the summer was getting the girls potty trained. We did it! Los Hicimos! I am thrilled not to have to buy anymore diapers!! The girls love their little Dora and TinkerBell panties and they have done a great job. We are still working on Hannah with #2 in the potty. Anyone have any tips on how to get her to go in the potty instead of hiding in her room? We have tried everything we can think of.

We had a really great summer together going to the zoo, the splash park at the Y, the library, celebrating the 4th of July, another b-day for Daddy and otherwise just realxing at home together. I love summer time except for all the heat.

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