Thursday, May 29, 2008

Aren’t they so adorable!

This is their first little Spring time outfit. They were Easter gifts from Aunt Tami (Jim’s Sister). I love dressing them in cute little outfits. I try to make sure they have plenty of pink on when we go out. I can’t wait until they have more hair so I can put bows in their hair. No matter how much pink they are covered in, someone always says, “one boy and one girl?” or “are they both girls?” I think they are too beautiful to look like boys. Hopefully, it will be easier to recognize them as girls once they have hair. I try not to let it get to me when people ask me that. I guess it is better to ask rather than say something like "Isn't he a handsome fella." That would be bad. :)


Carrie Maseda said...

Emma is 14 months old, and she still doesn't have enough hair for a bow; I just tie a small bow with whatever colored ribbon matches her outfit, apply a little light corn syrup on the back, and just stick it on her head, and it works like a charm. :)

Anonymous said...

The girls are growing so much. Get them used to head bands!! or flowered hats. People just don't think before they speak. If they only relized how stupid they make themelves look. Take care . .