Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Getting Stronger

Both of the girls are now holding their heads up when they lay on their bellies. (Alyssa facing right, Hannah facing left). It is so amazing to watch them do something new each day. One day this past week, Alyssa was lying on the jungle play mat and reached up for the hanging toy. It has a ball that makes music when they spin it. I was in the kitchen and heard the music. I turned around to see Alyssa reaching and spinning it. It was awesome. I grabbed the video camera of course. Another amazing thing I was able to catch in tape was Hannah rolling over by herself for the first time. She has been practicing for a week or two rolling to her side and we would help her over a little. This night, she rolled to her side, got her leg and bottom over and then with a little more effort she got the top half over. She looked up and smiled at us. I was so happy I cried. I know all babies do these things and all babies are an amazing miracle to behold, but to me, my babies are especially amazing. J

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