Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Our mountain view

We have moved again! This time it is for the best reason of all, the babies. Jim did not want me to have to go back to work. We both prayed for a wy that it would be possible for me to stay home, or even better both of us be at home as much as possible. We want to be the primary care givers for our daughters. We dreaded giving them over to strangers. Not to mention the outreagous cost of daycare. My sweet husband made this possible for us (and Heavenly Father answered our prayers and helped make this move possible too). We are in Mars Hill NC. We are working at a boarding school helping to care for girls who need some extra help, guidance and love in their lives. We will be provided a beautiful log home, all utilities, food and a van. We will be paid to be loving parents. We will be able to be at home with just our daughters while the girls are in school. It is really going to be a wonderful experience and we feel it is a way to serve the Lord by helping His children. The area is beautiful. The home being built for us is a gorgeous custom built 5000 sq ft log home. We are staying in our bosses home right now(that is the home in the picture). I will add pictures of our home when it is completed later this year. The views here are fantastic. We are right across from a ski resort. I can't even explain how beautiful it is in words. I will just have to add more pictures.

1 comment:

Carrie Maseda said...

Gorgeous! I can't believe you are off on another adventure; you are going to have quite the life story to write. :)