Saturday, November 17, 2007

IT"S A GIRL!! and A ???

Hello everyone! We had the 3D ultrasound done today. Well we finally know at least one of our babies is definitely a girl. She gave us a very clear shot of her little bottom side. We are very sure that baby B (the one on the left) is a girl. I can't wait to start collecting little pink things. :) We can also start narrowing down our list of girl names. The other little darling would not cooperate today. "He" (wishful thinking) was all curled up. His legs were pulled up tight and an arm was covering his face and he was turned away. One picture shows his whole back and legs and feet crossed and the side of his face. We also got a couple decent shots of one face and an ear. Luckily, they have scheduled me to come back in a few weeks for a free session since the images weren't very clear and they couldn't get both genders. The appointment is on Dec. 8th. Look for another update then. We also found out why I am feeling kicks mostly on the right side, it is because all 4 legs are in the same area. Both heads are down right now (let's all pray they will stay that way so I can avoid a c-section) and all the feet are a little to the right of my belly button. It was amazing to see them again. They have grown so much. Jim and his mom (Tutu) were able to come too. It was wonderful to see them see the babies for the first time. Jim was not sure what he was seeing at first. I was trying to point things out to him. He saw the little heartbeat. The place was amazing. It was like a spa. Nice leather couches, soft music and lighting. The ladies were so nice. It was a great experience. I can't wait to go back again and get some better images. She recorded a couple short videos too, but they are kind of hard to see whats what.


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Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! Congrats on the girl and ??? I have been watching and waiting to find out what is in there!! I am so excited for you...keep those feet up!

Love - Cousin Heather