Sunday, May 17, 2009

The girls love to dress up

Alyssa is getting tall enough to reach things that a few weeks ago were out of her reach. She can now reach the dirty clothes hamper in their room. She loves to pull things out and put them on. She only has the hang of putting her right leg in the pants so she will have several pairs of pants on her right leg. I helped her get these on after she brought them to me about a dozen times. Her sense of style is not quite developed yet, but she loves to get dressed up. She sees the dresses hanging in the closet and she wants to put them on. They both love jewelry too. I got them some necklaces and some of my dangle bracelets. They both love to put them on. They also love shoes. I am in trouble I fear. When we wheel the cart past the shoes in WalMart, I hear "shoos, shoos, shoos". They bring me their shoes to put on so we can go out side and swing. It is so fun to watch their likes and dislikes develop. They also love to fix their hair. They got a hold of the barrettes the other day and had to have all of them in their hair. It was so cute. I see lots of trips to the mall in my future. :)

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